Eating Disorders Treatment Information Programme

The Eating Disorders Treatment Information Programme provides information about recovery from eating disorders.

This is a one-day group programme for people who are experiencing eating difficulties and who would like to learn more about recovery from eating disorders and treatment options available.

This comprehensive programme offers you the opportunity to learn more about eating disorder recovery through presentations from a wide range of clinicians who specialise in eating disorder care and treatment. It is delivered by a multidisciplinary team (MDT) specialising in eating disorder care and recovery, including a consultant psychiatrist, a senior registrar in psychiatry, an occupational therapist, a social worker, clinical nurse managers and a dietitian.

Programme content includes the role of therapies, such as occupational therapy and art therapy, and social work in eating disorder recovery; physical health considerations in eating disorders; and dietitian input in eating disorder care. 

You will also get to meet individually with a clinician on the Eating Disorder Service team here in St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS) who will further explore your difficulties in relation to eating, your general physical and mental health, your current circumstances, and how the eating disorder may have developed.

Treatment options and potential care plans will also be discussed with you, with further time from the group set aside for you to meet individually with the Consultant Psychiatrist from the Eating Disorders Service.

How is the programme structured?

How is the programme structured?

The Eating Disorders Treatment Information Programme runs for one full day and is made up of group and individual breakout sessions.  

During the first part of the programme, you will meet with members of the clinical team from our Eating Disorders Service for around 60 to 90 minutes. During this meeting, the clinicians will discuss current difficulties in relation to your eating, as well as also exploring your mental health and physical health generally; your current circumstances; your background and personal history; and how your eating difficulties may have developed.

Following these discussions, the MDT will convene, or gather together, to discuss each participants’ difficulties. They will make recommendations for your care, which are then discussed with you, and you will have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

A number of recovery-focused presentations are also delivered by the MDT throughout the programme.

Towards the end of the day, you will have a one-to-one meeting with the Eating Disorders Service’s consultant psychiatrist to review your proposed care and recovery plan.

As many elements of this programme are delivered in a group setting, we would like to remind you that, at all times, a confidential and supportive space will be maintained. We ask that all participants attending uphold the principles of support and privacy.

When and where does the programme take place?

When and where does the programme take place?

The programme is a one-day programme that takes place one Tuesday a month. It runs online on Microsoft Teams between 9.30am and 4pm.

How are referrals made?

How are referrals made?

Referrals to the Eating Disorders Treatment Information Programme are accepted directly from GPs and other mental healthcare professionals.

Get the programme brochure


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