Young Adult Programme

The Young Adult Programme (YAP) is a trans-diagnostic service meaning that the YAP accepts any young person in between the ages of 18 to 25 with any mental health diagnosis.

YAP is designed so a young person has someone they can talk to, whether it is a mental health professional or their peers, in an inclusive and comfortable environment.

YAP group design

YAP group design

The programme has been carefully designed to include discussion groups and leisure activities that aid recovery from mental illness. YAP aims to increase one's self-esteem, facilitate one's recovery, and to learn more about how to manage one's mental health problems. The programme can be attended on an inpatient and outpatient basis and is focused on getting better and staying well.

All aspects of the programme are delivered via group sessions or group activities. Group sizes may vary from time to time, but the support provided by those attending is very important. It creates a sense of "not being the only one"vand hope in one’s own recovery.

The programme is ongoing. People join the groups at any stage in the cycle. Therefore, there are people at different stages of their recovery. Some people join the programme soon after they come into hospital, some come directly through day services and some attend from home after discharge.

Many people attend the programme in conjunction with one of the other services in the hospital, such as the Depression Programme, Living Through Distress, or Anxiety Programme. The staff from the different programmes work closely together with each young person.

Each week, your programme or combination of programmes, such as YAP and Depression, is reviewed with you and some changes may be made. The aim for you is to get maximum benefit from whatever programme is planned for you so that your individual needs are met.

About the team

About the team

The multidisciplinary team (MDT) has a wide range of experience. The programme coordinator co-ordinates the day-to-day running of the programme and will be especially involved in your care. They will meet before you start the programme and will work out with you when and what you would like to attend. They will be in daily contact with you when you have started and will liaise with your treating team. 

Download the brochure

Download the brochure


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01 249 3200 See our FAQs


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01 249 3635 See more from our referrals team