A new format for email addresses is being introduced in St Patrick’s Mental Health Services from March 2023.
Our email addresses will be moving from the current name@stpatsmail.com format to a new name@stpatricks.ie format. The change aims to better align our email addresses with our website domain and organizational identity.
We know that cybersecurity and staying safe online is hugely important, and that we are all paying closer attention to or being cautious around unfamiliar email addresses and contact details.
We therefore wish to make our service users, partner organisations, suppliers, and other contacts aware that, from mid-March 2023, they will start to see emails coming from or going to @stpatricks.ie addresses.
We also would like to give reassurance that the transition is being closely managed to ensure there is no disruption to communications, and @stpatsmail.com addresses will continue to work for some time.
If you are in contact with our services or with a member of our team, you may see two email addresses come up for them in your email address book after this change takes place. You may wish to update your email address book to avoid having two email options for a particular contact; please select the @stpatricks.ie email address as the primary address for that contact.
If you have an email rule set up relating to contact with our team or services – such as a rule to automatically process emails received from name@stpatsmail.com – you may also need to update the rule to be relevant for the new name@stpatricks.ie format.
Please get in touch if you have any questions or concerns around this: you can contact us on 01 249 3200.
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New suite of resources launches to promote workplaces without mental health discrimination