What does a mental health nurse do?
Our mental health nurses work across all our services and play an active part in our multidisciplinary teams (MDTs). The type and level of care you receive from a nurse depends on your needs and care plan, but always aims to empower your recovery and independence.
Ward-based nurses provide constant care and treatment, any time of day or night, whether you are an inpatient in hospital or accessing care remotely.
Examples of work a ward-based nurse might do with you include:
- assessing and planning your care requirements
- reviewing your care plan and monitoring your progress
- having consultations with you on the ward or in your home through technology platforms
- building a relationship with you by listening to, talking to, and reassuring you
- administering medication
- giving advice and arranging support for you and your carers and supporters
- assessing your treatment success at team meetings
- updating your clinical records
- encouraging you to take part in therapeutic activities, such as art and role play.
A number of our nurses work in specialist areas, such as our Referrals and Admissions Service, Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy, day services, and more. All of our community Dean Clinics are also led by a Clinical Nurse Manager.
Other nurses take on central roles in our clinical programmes, such as assessment, psychotherapy and facilitating therapeutic groups. Some of our specialist programmes are led by nurses, including those which treat anxiety disorders, bipolar disorder, depression, psychosis and eating disorders.
We also have Team Liaison Nurses who work closely with each MDT. Team Liaison Nurses may conduct admission assessments, Dean Clinic reviews, family meetings, and one-to one-reviews; liaise with GPs; and prescribe medications for you.
Learn more about our nursing team here
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Occupational Therapy