It is the policy of St Patrick’s Mental Health Services to safeguard the welfare of all children by protecting them from physical, sexual and emotional harm and from neglect. The welfare of children is of paramount concern.
St Patrick’s takes all possible care in its recruitment processes to employ people who will not abuse or neglect users of our services. St Patrick’s provides ongoing training to staff and volunteers so that they are aware of signs and risks of abuse and neglect of children and so that they know the reporting structure of St Patrick’s Mental Health Services.
When reports of concerns or allegations of abuse or neglect, past or present, are made to staff, these will be followed up and, if reasonable grounds for concern are established, these will be reported to Tusla Child and Family Services and/or to An Garda Síochána for assessment and investigation.
Any form of behaviour that harms a child such as neglect, physical, sexual and/ or emotional abuse is unacceptable. All concerns will be followed up in a fair and impartial manner and in accordance with the principles of natural justice.
Children have the right to be protected, treated with respect, listened to and have their views taken into consideration, regardless of all other considerations
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Child Safeguarding Statement