Our vision
Our purpose
Our values and principles
Mental Health Matters 2013 – 2018
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Community GuidelinesSt Patrick’s Mental Health Services wants to see a Society where all citizens are given the opportunity to live mentally healthy lives. Download a copy of Mental Health Matters 2013-2018.
St Patrick’s aspires to provide the highest quality of mental healthcare, to promote mental health and to advocate for the rights of those who experience mental health difficulties.
St Patrick’s Mental Health Services is person-centred in its focus, striving to understand and meet our service users’ needs and to include them in all important decisions. We treat people with respect, dignity and compassion and strive to use all the resources of the Organisation in a way that enhances the Hospital’s reputation, protects its assets and enables us to fulfill our mission We are keenly aware of, and committed to, our not-for-profit status and philanthropic purpose, as intended by the Hospital’s founder and laid out in its Charter. We are committed to evidence-based service development and treatment, active participation of service users and valuing diversity. We are guided by the principles of Dean Swift, founder of the Hospital and by the values of the Mental Health Act 2001, the European Charter of Human Rights and the United Nations Principles for the protection of persons with mental health difficulties and the improvement of mental healthcare.
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Community Guidelines© Copyright 2025 St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services