Binge Eating Disorder Programme

The Binge Eating Disorder Programme is designed to support people who are experiencing difficulties with binge eating symptoms and behaviours.

What is binge eating disorder?

Binge eating disorder is a type of eating disorder where a person repeatedly eats a large amount of food, over a specified period of time, with a marked sense of being out of control. It is the most common eating disorder and affects 2% to 3% of the population. It can occur in anyone, at any age, and with any body shape or size. It is associated with strong feelings of distress. 

In an episode of binge eating, a person will typically report at least three of the following behaviours or feelings.

  • Eating a lot more quickly than usual.
  • Consuming large volumes of food even when they are not physically hungry.
  • Continuing to eat until they are uncomfortably full (including getting stomach pains).
  • Eating on their own due to embarrassment.
  • Feeling guilt, disgust, or depressed after binge eating.

What does the programme cover?

The Binge Eating Disorder Programme is a recovery-focused programme. It focuses on helping people to gain an understanding of the factors that underlie and maintain binge eating. It also aims to help people to develop a range of skills that stabilise and improve symptoms and behaviours associated with binge eating.

The programme includes groups facilitated by members of the eating disorder service’s multidisciplinary team (MDT), including staff working in nursing, dietetics, psychology, and occupational therapy, with input from the wider MDT members.

How is the programme structured?

The Binge Eating Disorder Programme is a day programme which runs for two and a half days a week for 12 weeks, with a combination of in-person and online sessions.

The programme has defined start and end dates and is made up of both individual and group sessions. It is a closed programme, which means that, after the start date, participation is closed until a new cycle of the programme begins.

An aftercare programme is also available for service users who complete the Binge Eating Disorder Programme. Aftercare aims to provide support and connection and to help to prevent relapse throughout the long-term recovery process. It runs for evening sessions twice a month, and service users can attend for up to one year after discharge from the programme. It is mainly delivered online, with in-person sessions taking place each quarter.

How do referrals work?

The programme accepts referrals from GPs and external consultant psychiatrists for patients who are not already under the care of St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS). Service users already under the care of SPMHS can also be referred by their MDT.

Referrals are accepted on an ongoing basis, and an assessment will be arranged to check whether the programme is suitable for the person. Please note that, as this is a closed programme, there may be a waiting period before the person starts the programme.

For more information on this programme, please contact

Watch a talk on binge eating disorder

Watch a talk on binge eating disorder

In this section

See more programmes offering support for eating disorders

See more programmes offering support for eating disorders


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