St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS) invited the Ukrainian community to attend a mental health information session on Wednesday, 21 June 2023.
How to help yourself and others who are struggling with panic attacks or anxiety was a psychoeducation session aimed at helping people experiencing panic attacks or anxiety. Psychoeducation provides information and an understanding of mental health difficulties.
St Patrick’s Mental Health Services проводить вебінар про Панічні атаки та тривожність – як допомогти собі та іншим для української громади. Ви можете дізнатися більше про цю цей вебінар і про те, як його відвідати, нижче.
Over the past decade, the number of people forced to leave their homes has increased significantly worldwide. Research shows that fleeing war, persecution, or conflict is associated with long-term mental health difficulties. Exposure to stressors before, during, and after migration can lead to mental health difficulties, including anxiety and panic attacks.
This psychoeducational talk on panic attacks and anxiety is for Ukrainian refugees, volunteers, aid workers, and interested healthcare professionals and colleagues. Topics covered include understanding and befriending anxiety; anxiety and panic; and strategies to manage anxiety, including mindfulness.
The session was delivered by Judy Moran, Clinical Nurse Specialist for the Anxiety Disorders Service at SPMHS.
You can watch the session below.