St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS) is holding a Consultative Forum on 1 October 2024 on the topic of disability and access.
We are inviting our service users and their family members, carers and supporters to this forum so that we can explore how we can improve access to our services for people with disabilities.
The Consultative Forum will take place online from 5.30pm to 7pm on Tuesday, 1 October.
What is a Consultative Forum?
A Consultative Forum is an event where there is open discussion between a service provider, service users and the people who support them.
At SPMHS, we hold a number of Consultative Forums each year so we can hear the views and opinions of our service users and those who support them on specific topics and to learn from these lived experiences.
Representatives of our Board of Governors and our Senior Management Team (SMT) attend these Consultative Forums to hear feedback first-hand.
Why are we exploring disability and access?
As an organisation, we are grounded in human rights. We believe that people experiencing mental health difficulties should be treated with respect and dignity, protected against discrimination, and have full inclusion and equal opportunities in society. They should have personal autonomy and the opportunity to make decisions about their own care and treatment.
We formed an internal Disability and Accessibility Working Group in 2021 to explore and enhance accessibility for our service users who may have a disability other than, or in addition, to a mental health or psychosocial disability.
This working group has recommended that we consult with service users and the people who support them to hear how we can meet their disability and access needs when attending our services.
What do we mean by disability?
The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) defines disability as “long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.”
You can learn more about the UNCRPD here.
What do we mean by access?
Access or accessibility means that all information and services are available to as many people as possible, regardless of ability or other factors. This includes our built environment, online services, how we communicate, and the verbal and written information we provide.
Why should you take part in the Consultative Forum?
Taking part in this Consultative Forum will allow you to voice your opinion on this important topic. It will also enable you to contribute meaningfully to improving accessibility here in SPMHS not just for you, but for other service users and those who support them.
How can you take part?
You can register to attend this Consultative Forum by contacting our Service User Engagement Lead, Siobhan Fitzharris, by emailing sfitzharris@stpatricks.ie.
If you need any support to take part in the forum, please include this in your email.
You will be sent a link to join the forum online ahead of the event.
If you have any other questions or would like more information about the forum, you can also contact Siobhan Fitzharris by calling 01 249 3390.