In reports released on 11 March 2021, the Mental Health Commission (MHC) awarded 100% compliance in its 2020 inspections of St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS).
SPMHS consists of three approved centres: St Patrick’s University Hospital (SPUH) and St Patrick’s, Lucan – which both provide mental healthcare for adults – and Willow Grove Adolescent Unit (WGAU) which treats young people aged 12 to 17.
Each of the centres received full compliance, gaining a 100% rating in inspections carried out by the MHC in 2020. On the announcement, the Chief Executive of the MHC, John Farrelly, said, “I want to congratulate all the management and staff at the service for this result. The approved centres have been highly compliant for a number of years and this reflects the dedicated nature of all those who work there.”
Our Chief Executive Officer, Paul Gilligan, stated:
“The cornerstone of our mission at SPMHS is to provide the highest-quality mental healthcare. I am extremely grateful for the commitment of our staff, which, along with the partnership of our service users and their supporters, resulted in the achievement of full compliance in our MHC inspections in 2020. Thank you also to the MHC for its continued diligence and regulation, which drives us all to enhance and improve human rights-based mental healthcare.”
The MHC is an independent body, established in 2002, which functions to promote, encourage, and foster high standards, with these responsibilities set out in law under the Mental Health Act. Noting the additional challenges posed to mental health services during 2020 due to the COVID-19 outbreak, its Inspector of Mental Health Services, Dr Susan Finnerty, praised SPMHS’ response to the pandemic, saying “2020 was a difficult year for every mental health facility and SPMHS continued to provide as many services as possible to its residents despite the onset of COVID-19.”
Supporting service users at SPUH
SPUH is our independent hospital located in Dublin 8, with capacity for 241 inpatient service users who are under the care of 12 consultant teams. Through the hospital, we provide acute adult mental healthcare, psychiatry of later life, and mental health rehabilitation.
As in 2019, the MHC declared SPUH fully compliant with all regulations. Strong governance through the hospital’s Senior Management Team (SMT) monitoring and reporting processes was noted, along with access to a wide range of recreational and self-directed activities for service users, and a new Information Café for service users preparing for discharge to ease their transition to home life. The MHC also commended the implementation and enhancement of remote services, facilitated through technology, which enabled the provision of high-quality mental healthcare even during coronavirus restrictions.
Click here to read the MHC report on SPUH.
Protecting against COVID-19 in St Patrick's, Lucan
Our second approved centre is at St Patrick’s, Lucan (St Edmundsbury Hospital), located within extensive grounds in Lucan, County Dublin. The centre holds 52 beds for inpatient service users, providing acute adult mental healthcare, continuing or long stay mental healthcare, psychiatry of later life, and mental health rehabilitation.
St Patrick’s, Lucan also achieved 100% compliance in 2020, increasing from 97% in 2019. The MHC noted how, to best protect the health of service users and staff, we closed St Patrick’s, Lucan, to admissions in March 2020 as part of our COVID-19 response. Service users in SPUH with suspected or confirmed cases of coronavirus were moved to this centre to be treated for both their physical and mental health needs as safely as possible .
Read the MHC report on St Patrick’s, Lucan here.
Developing person-centred care plans in WGAU
WGAU is our child and adolescent approved centre, which sits within the grounds of SPUH with separate staffing and facilities to the adult service. The unit accommodates 14 young people, with a school facility also attached to the unit.
In 2020, WGAU achieved a 100% rating, up from 97% in the previous year. The MHC notes how each young person has a multidisciplinary care plan developed and reviewed in partnership with them, with appropriate therapeutic services being provided to meet their assessed needs. They have access to a wide range of activities and facilities, including a gym, basketball court, tennis court, music room, board games and so on. The development of a dedicated pandemic plan for the unit was also observed by the MHC, with its focus on maintaining a safe and effective service in line with public health requirements.
Click here to read the MHC report on WGAU.
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