Mental Health, Young Adult, Older Adult

12 February, 2018

Carers and Supporters Information Guide

Our Carers and Supporters Information Guide is developed for carers and family members of people attending St Patrick’s Mental Health Services.

Seeking help for mental health is a brave step, and the encouragement and energy of those around us can make a hugely positive impact on our mental health recovery. This guide highlights how best to support a person throughout their recovery journey, and gives some practical advice for carers, relatives and friends on how they can nurture their own wellbeing during this time.

This is aimed to be a practical and accessible tool for carers and family members of our service users, especially those who are engaging with mental healthcare for the first time. While it will be particularly useful when a person has been admitted to hospital, it should also be a help when a person is receiving outpatient or day patient care through our Dean Clinics and Wellness and Recovery Centre.

Informed by experience

Informed by experience

The guide was first developed by our Service Users and Supporters Council (SUAS) in 2015, and was most recently updated in 2024. SUAS believes that having a guide for carers and family members that is written in Plain English will help you to better understand your loved one’s hospital journey.

We hope you find this guide helpful at what we know can be a challenging time.

You can read the guide below, or keep scrolling to download a copy.

Carers and Supporters Information Guide

Join our family mental health information series

If you are supporting or caring for someone going through a mental health difficulty, our free family information series aims to answer lots of different questions and concerns you may have.

See the family series here 

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