St Patrick’s Mental Health Services (SPMHS) welcomed members of the Ukrainian community to join a mental health session on 20 November.
This online event explored an alternative approach to psychiatric diagnosis: the Power Threat Meaning Framework (PTMF).
St Patrick’s Mental Health Services проводить вебінар про Альтернативний підхід до психіатричного діагнозу: Підхід, з урахуванням загроз влади. Ви можете дізнатися більше про цю цей вебінар і про те, як його відвідати, нижче.
Adjunct Professor Karen Looney, Principal Clinical Psychologist and Neuropsychologist here at SPMHS, delivered the session. The aim is to increase understanding of criticisms of current diagnostic systems and to raise awareness of an alternative framework: the PTMF. The talk is particularly relevant to Ukrainian mental health professionals.
The talk is presented in the English language, but translated into the Ukrainian language throughout.
You can watch the talk below now.
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